
Filling in for a tester who is out

One of the many tasks I have here is "load balancing" our work across the team. This is to ensure that no one tester is overloaded and falls behind. It's just one of the basic tasks that happens at just about every company in the world (the US Navy might be an exception here :) ).

Anyway, this works great until something happens and someone needs to take some time off with very short notice. Generally, we let everyone know our vacation plans in advance so we can plan around folks being gone, but now and then situations happen which throw a wrench into the planning.

So this week I have been busy helping to test an area for another tester who had to go home on short notice. It's actually kind of a nice change for me - we are in the middle of our yearly review process and getting a break from the paperwork there is something I appreciate.

The downside is that this is taking away from some other tasks on my plate, like maintaining this blog. I hope everyone understands.

Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,
