
Amazing how far behind you can get in one day

I’m pretty sure I feel behind by at least a week today.  Here’s what happened:

I had a bug fix from one of our developers to test.  To get the machine set up, I created a virtual machine and installed his potential fix.

While his setup was running, I went to my other machine (I’m down to 2 now, critical for later) and started upgrading it to the latest testable version of Office.

One of our other testers came by and grabbed my Lenovo laptop to use for testing the OneNote printer.  It will be gone for a full day.

So I went back to the VM and tried the fix.  There was some odd component somewhere deleting registry keys that the test needed, so I had to go get the developer to help isolate the cause.  He showed up and we debugged for a while.

At this point, I had other tasks I needed to be doing as well – simple things like answering email, other activities like preparing for meetings and I have an automated test that seems to be failing (in Thai only) that I need to investigate.  Unfortunately, my monitors are all connected to a switchbox which was being used for the VM that we were debugging.  I had no other machine available while we traced the problem and I could feel myself rapidly falling behind.

About the time we got done debugging my daily schedule of meetings started.  Once those were done, I finally got back to my office with just enough time to kick out this blog entry and get back to work.

A tester’s life is never done.

Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,



  • Anonymous
    June 07, 2012
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    December 06, 2012
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    December 06, 2012
    Excellent!  VMs are a wonderful resource.  The only limit I have hit with them is being hard drive bound since I have so many running, and occasionally will hit RAM limitations. I still need real hardware, though, especially for video testing...