
More Lotus Migration Case Studies


Albany International

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Argus Software

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Brink's Home Security

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Champion Industries

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Elmer's Products

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Hennepin County Medical Center

Case Study

Hobart Service

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Tropical Shipping Company

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Union Bank of California

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Albany International

Tom Egan, Practice Manager for the Directory Services, Messaging, and Collaboration Group at Intrinsic Technologies, further emphasizes this point: “Albany needed about 12 IT administrators globally to manage the company’s Notes/Domino systems. Now, with our managed service and the centralized environment, we’re doing the equivalent work for Exchange Server with 2-3 people. This frees up the labor resources for other more important tasks.”


Hennepin County Medical Center

“We spent more than $1.2 million a year for 2,000 mailboxes on Lotus Notes,” says Murphy, noting that the $18 per-mailbox charge represented only a portion of the total cost of the old e-mail system. “We were able to reduce that line item in our budget to $50,000 by deploying over 4,000 mailboxes on Exchange Server 2007.”