
New Microsoft Dynamics CRM Statement of Direction document available

The August 2009 version of this document is now available to partners.


The latest edition of the SoD white paper is now available and provides details of the program of rapid innovation through to the release of Microsoft Dynamics CRM “V.Next”. This whitepaper covers both planned and recently released innovation for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, Online and “V.Next”. It is the primary communication mechanism for all things relating to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM roadmap.


This release can be downloaded via the following locations…
PartnerSource: https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource/marketing/statementofdirection/MD_CRM_SOD.htm
CustomerSource: https://mbs.microsoft.com/customersource/documentation/whitepapers/MSD_CRM4StatementOfDirection.htm

John O'Donnell
Microsoft Dynamics ISV Architect Evangelist
Microsoft Corporation
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