
Under the Hood: Windows Vista Performance...Need Answers?

Springboard Series Virtual RoundtableUnder the Hood: Windows Vista Performance...Need Answers?

https://ms.istreamplanet.com/springboard/russinovich.jpgJoin Mark Russinovich and a panel of industry experts for a LIVE virtual roundtable to explore your top of mind performance issues, common misconfigurations, and tips on how to fix them. From boot times and applets to disk performance and battery life, find out how to optimize Windows Vista and what you can do to improve overall system performance.

Submit your performance questions live during the event or send them in advance to vrtable@microsoft.com.

save the date and join Mark on September 24th at https://ms.istreamplanet.com/springboard (use the calendar reminder attached to this blog post)



SAVE THE DATE Springboard Series Virtual Roundtable - Windows Vista Performance.ics