
Group Chat Server cannot find Rtccomponentuniversalservices in Multi Domain Scenario.

Symptom:  Not able to Install the Group chat with error "Group chat server cannot find RTCComponentUniversalServices" in Multi domain Scenario

Cause:  If you try to install group chat server in child domain it will fail with Group chat server cannot find RTCComponentUniversalServices. The ServerConfigTool.log file shows that the Server Configuration Wizard is querying
the Global Catalog in a child domain. It will query the Global Catalog in either child domain but never the root, where the group exists.

Two Work Arounds:

Simplest one if you have few Global Catalog’s and few domains.

1) Log into the server where you want to install group chat with an account member of RTCUniversalServeradmins, domain admin and local admin groups.
2) install support tools.
3) run nltest /dsgetdc:<your root domain> /gc.
4) If the field “Dom Name” contains the domain where there is OCS Groups is perfect, the GC installation will done fine, otherwise follow next steps:
5) Run nltest /dsgetdc:<your root domain> /gc /force up to get the good domain (where there is OCS groups).
6) Launch setup.exe, That should be good.

Second One:

1. Create the following bogus security groups in the child domain:

1. RTCcomponentuniversalservices
2. RTCUniversalServerAdmins
3. RTCUniversalUserReadOnlyGroup
4. RTCUniversalServerReadOnlyGroup
5. RTCUniversalGlobalReadOnlyGroup

Make RTCcomponentuniversalservices a member of RTCUniversalUserReadOnlyGroup, RTCUniversalServerReadOnlyGroup, RTCUniversalGlobalReadOnlyGroup. Also make RTCComponentService and RTCService member of RTCcomponentuniversalservices. Here we are mirroring the membership structure of RTCcomponentuniversalservices in parent domain.

2. Perform the installation using child domain admin (parent domain admin should also work)

Note: The lookup server SIP URI should be based on parent domain, rather than child domain, i.e. ocschat@parentdomain.com <mailto:ocschat@parentdomain.com> rather than ocschat@child.parent.com mailto:ocschat@child.parent.com.

3. Once you are done with setup successfully, delete the RTCcomponentuniversalservices security group from the child domain. Please do not delete the Original RTCcomponentuniversalservices security group from the parent domain.

4. Create a new security group named RtcGroupChatServices in the child domain.

5. Add the service accounts to the RtcGroupChatServices security group.

6. Make RtcGroupChatServices an owner of the message queues for group chat. (On the MGC server box, right-click on My Computer and select Manage (or run compmgmt.msc). On the Right panel, go to Services and Applications -> Message Queuing, right click on it and go to the Security tab. Here add RtcGroupChatServices and give it Full Control permission).

7. Stop both channel and lookup servers.

8. Start channel server first, wait a minute, and start lookup server.