
.NET Rocks Road Trip–Northeast Stops

Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell, the dynamic duo from .NET Rocks, are hitting the road once again to celebrate the launch of Visual Studio 2012. Well, in truth, they’re already on the road and will be making a few stops in the Northeast the week after next.

At each stop they'll be recording a live .NET Rocks! episode with a .NET celebrity guest, with Carl and Richard also presenting a session each. Of course, ‘there will be food, drink and geeking out!’

Here are the stops in our area (full list here):

Date Time Venue Guest Star
Monday, Oct. 15 register 6 – 10 p.m. Museum of Play Rochester, New York Brian Noyes
Tuesday, Oct. 16 register 6 – 10 p.m. Tyler Technologies Latham, New York Mark Miller
Wednesday, Oct. 17 register 7:30 – 10 p.m. NERD Cambridge, Massachusetts Don Syme
Thursday, Oct. 18 register 6 – 10 p.m. Microsoft Office New York City Kim Tripp