
Microsoft Dynamics CRM: How much do we luv Diagrams?

You want wire and flow diagrams for Microsoft Dynamics CRM? We have diagrams galore.

Here is a wealth of diagrams we released as part of R4 in November, starting with the overview diagram here: https://rc.crm.dynamics.com/rc/regcont/en_us/live/articles/homepageusersdiagram.aspx


Here’s a search that returns all the diagrams on the Resource Center: https://rc.crm.dynamics.com/rc/search/results2.aspx?st=diagram&sku=Live&loc=en_us&sa=True&sh=False&sl=False&sf=False&ar=true



  • Anonymous
    June 12, 2010
    Can we get those diagram in Visio ?

  • Anonymous
    June 13, 2010
    Good idea. I'll run it by the team. Thanks Shai.