
Office Developer Conference 2008

Liegt Ihr Arbeitsbereich auf dem Gebiet der Erweiterungen für Microsoft Office oder erstreckt es sich gar auf die Office Server, wie z.B. den SharePoint Server? Wollten Sie nicht sowieso wieder einmal alles Neue im Felde der Programmierbarkeit bzw. der Architektur dieser Produkte erfahren? Oder wollen Sie wissen, was in der nächsten Office Version (Office 14) zu erwarten ist?

Event Overview

ODC 2008 is the premier event for Microsoft Office developers, bringing together architects, developers, industry technical experts, Microsoft insiders, and key partners in a public forum to redefine what it means to be focused on 2007 Microsoft® Office system development.

We have an incredible six keynotes by senior Microsoft executives. Of course, live code and demos will be the order of the day, and we will be presenting hot new sessions that bring together diverse topics, from composition to S+S, SharePoint to VOIP, OOXML to Silverlight, and everything in between!

We have 5 technical tracks, and 70+ breakout sessions and hands-on labs.  And for the first time ever, we will have an Executive Track where analysts, Microsoft and industry executives will get together to learn the how and why of Office applications and the competitive advantage offered by them.

This event is destined to be the hottest event of the winter. But we need your help to get the word out and get our community of Office developers to feed their geek in San Jose!

Check out our ODC 2008 Blog for what’s happening on a daily basis


Sind Sie Entwicklungsleiter oder in einer ähnlichen Position, dann würde ich Sie gerne für den Executive Track nominieren.

By Invitation Only – The Executive Track for VIPs @ ODC 2008!

The Executive Track within the ODC 2008 offers a unique opportunity for executives to hear directly from top Microsoft Office executives, industry analysts and other fellow executives about how the 2007 Office system is a strategic asset in company’s application platform toolkit. Open only to those executives nominated by someone at Microsoft and formally accepted, and slots are limited!

Learn about how others in the industry have leveraged the 2007 Office system for strategic advantage and how the Office Business Applications vision is changing the way enterprise solutions are being created. As an executive track attendee, they can also attend any of the exciting technical sessions and take advantage of the many other exciting offerings at ODC 2008.

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