
MyChristmasCatalog featured on Silverlight.net


Still looking for that last minute Holiday gift?  Check-out the home page of www.Silverlight.net and you’ll see this month’s Silverlight showcase featuring www.MyChristmasCatalog.com.  

This site, developed by Catalog Enterprises features innovative use of Silverlight 3 and Expression Blend and to deliver a truly unique one-stop, holiday shopping destination and user experience.

And don’t forget to check the Christmas Traditions section - they have digitized all the old catalogs from your childhood; Sears, Spiegel’s, Schwarz, and JC Penney’s - using their proprietary print media conversion tool that converts catalogs into digital flip-books. 

And using the Silverlight Deep-Zoom technology – you can once again see all the cool toys you didn’t get for Christmas…

Check-out our previous post and Channel 9 interview here:



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