
Tony Rogerson, SQL Server MVP

Tony Rogerson, SQL Server MVP

Torver Computer Consultants


Tony started programming when he was 12, his first program mastered the bubble-sort on the ZX Spectrum. He left school in 1986 and progressed his long career in the IT industry touching on a number of industry areas including Banking, Retail, Knowledge Management and many others through Consultancy and ad-hoc support.

For the first 5 years of his career Tony worked and developed with the IBM Mainframe - VM, MVS with PL/1, CICS, DB2 and Application System.

Tony moved away from the mainframe arena into the early client/server scene starting off with Visual Basic 2 and Oracle Glue. Over succeeding years Tony has progressed through the various versions of Visual Basic, some C++, ASP, HTML whilst continually adding to his already extensive SQL experience with Microsoft SQL Server.

Microsoft awarded MVP status in 1998 for his technical ability and for work in the SQL Server community, he has achieved a renewal each year since, as part of the MVP spirit Tony spends time in the public news groups giving advice and solving SQL related problems, this helps give Tony a broader range of industrial experience as well as sharpening his problem solving abilities. Tony is one of the few external consultancies in the UK to be on the initial Yukon beta program.

Another string to Tony's bow is hardware specification and tuning, he has considerable experience in scaling up solutions (usually as part of a tuning exercise) and has a great deal of proven experience in specifying the best IO subsystem arrangement (RAID, controller configuration, disks etc...).

Tony has presented at a number of conferences and has been on a number of expert panels for Microsoft SQL Server here in the UK and in the US. He currently runs http://www.sqlserverfaq.com home of the UK SQL Server Community for which he is chairman, he often presents and chairs meetings - the meetings consistently attract in excess of 50 people.