
Windows Azure for IT Professionals

Content from last Friday’s Azure session

On Thursday 7th June Scott Guthrie presented the Meet Windows Azure session  To say that what he announced was amazing would be an understatement!

I personally find this part of the announcement awesome – who’d of thought that Microsoft would ever be selling you a Linux virtual machine?


If you have the time I strongly suggest you watch Scott’s presentation: https://www.meetwindowsazure.com/Conversations#ScottGuthrieMeet

On Friday 8th June, I held an online meeting to discuss Windows Azure for IT Professionals.  It was timed to be the day after Microsoft launched a plethora of new features onto the Azure platform.  Vikas Sahni & I had been planning this event for quite a while, but were not “allowed” to tell you what we would be talking about.

We had a few technical “issues” but got there in the end.  We did record the session, but even had issues with that!  I’d say that the Friday afternoon gremlins were at play (we didn’t get to record it all).

The idea was to introduce Windows Azure to IT Professionals – Azure has been positioned/sold to Developers up until now.  As of last week, it’s very much targeted to everyone.  IT Professionals will LOVE Windows Azure.

The slides we used are here: https://sdrv.ms/LtbhBg

I’ve broken the recording down into these pieces:

Microsoft’s Cloud Infrastructure (8 minutes)


Azure in the Datacentre (11 minutes)


Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Part 1


Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Part 2


Web Sites (3 minutes)


And that was where the gremlins took over!

Vikas continued to create a Wordpress blog site.  Then I went on to explain the new networking features (VPN directly between your infrastructure and Azure – virtualised networking).

Read up about the new Windows Azure here: https://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/
