
Windows Administrator Took Kit must haves

The job of being a systems administrator is difficult. As a result, it's important to have just the right tools. The MarcTechNet_cover(en-us)h edition of  TechNet Magazine has an article listing 19 free tools all available from Microsoft and are all designed to ease the administration of file servers, Exchange servers, and even desktops in your IT environment today. The article is written by Greg Shields, MVP, co-founder and IT guru with Concentrated Technology. His latest book, Windows Server 2008: What's New/What's Changed is available through SAPIEN Press. Get to know him at www.ConcentratedTech.com.

Here is a list of a couple of my personal favourites that every administrator should have:

ADMX Migrator Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 change the Group Policy format from ADM to ADMX. ADMX's XML-based format is entirely different than the old syntax and can be challenging to work with in a text editor. If you've created custom ADM Group Policy files, this tool automatically upgrades those files to the new format. It also provides a way for you to create your own custom ADMX files through its graphical interface

Limit Login Some administrators in highly secure or specialized environments wish they could limit users to a specific number of concurrent logins. Particularly useful with Windows Server 2003 Terminal Servers, LimitLogin enables administrators to enforce concurrent login quotas while tracking all login information right within Active Directory itself.

If you want to find about about all 19 of the tools, follow the link below and happy “adminning”!


Will Will Signiture2

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