
Windows 7 (Ireland) Tech Community Launch - Content Online

The sessions from the Windows 7 technical community launch tour are posted online. On the Windows 7 Launch Tour website https://www.microsoft.com/ireland/windows7/launchevent/, you can find the PowerPoint slides and videos of the main sessions delivered in Dublin, as well as some helpful resources and links.

The content posted includes:

· Windows 7 ‘Made in Ireland’

· Windows 7 User Interface Tour

· Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 better together story

· Windows 7 Customer: Mainstream Renewable Power

· Introducing Exchange 2010

If you didn’t make it to one of the launch sessions we ran and are without a copy of Windows 7 – you still have a chance to bag one before Christmas! We are running a competition offering the launch session video viewers a chance to win a copy of Windows 7 Ultimate Edition.  Learn more here.

Microsoft Security Essentials were mentioned  a number of times at the launch sessions – this is a free downloadable security product you can use to protect your home PC, found @ https://www.microsoft.com/security_essentials/default.aspx.

Finally, if you are work on development side of things, you should be looking into the next generation of developer tools from Microsoft. Visual Studio 2010 includes built-in tools for Windows 7 and SharePoint 2010 and the Beta 2 can be downloaded @ https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-ie/vstudio/dd582936(en-us).aspx.

Have a great Christmas and see you in 2010!

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