
Small Business Specialist in Ireland


I am always somewhat amazed that more Microsoft Partners are not Small Business Specialists (SBSC). I find that the majority of the partners I talk to and most definitely the majority of the customers I talk to are inside the 5-50 user size. So what is to differentiate you from the computer company you are competing against other than price? Certification and alignment to a company like Microsoft can help.

Before joining Microsoft I ran a small business consultancy in Canada and was one of the first SBSC partners in Canada. I always saw value in the fact I could promote myself with the Small Business Specialist logo on the website, letterhead and most importantly quotes I delivered. The fact I had written an exam around the technology I was delivering was a question often asked by customers. In making presentations around Ireland, I am surprised as to how many partners are not Small Business Specialists.

With the introduction of SBS 2008, EBS 2008, and Windows Server 2008, Microsoft have updated the courses and possible exam required to qualify for the SBSC Program. As such, here is the updated list of exams to pursue (need to pass at least one) in your quest to become a Microsoft Small Business Specialist:

So what if you have passed the 70-282 or 74-134 exam like I did? Well if you passed either Exam 70-282: Designing, Deploying, and Managing a Network Solution for Small- and Medium-Sized Business or Exam 74-134: Pre-installing Microsoft Products and Technologies to receive your Small Business Specialist designation, your exam credentials must be updated by October 31, 2010. This means you too have to write another exam.

Want to know more about the Microsoft Small Business Specialist designation and how to become one? Take a look at:

I highly recommend doing so, for your personal advancement as well as an edge in an already tough and competitive market.

SBS2008 ebs2008

 Will Will Signiture2

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