
Remote Desktop Services in Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2

Have you signed up for the Windows Remote Desktop Services (formerly known as ‘Terminal Services’) event yet? Microsoft Terminal Services MVP and Citrix CTP, Alex Yushchenko, is delivering this training in Galway, Cork, Dublin and Belfast in the space of two days – which is a feat in itself!

This three-hour training has a comprehensive agenda covering the following:

-       New features of Remote Desktop Services (previously known as Terminal Services) in Windows 2008 R2
-       Migration from W2003 or W2008 to R2
-       VDI – Virtual Desktop Architecture built-in
-       Application Delivery, TS Web Access, Session Broker & Load Balancing and Licensing
-       Powershell in Remote Desktop Services
-       Virtualization of Terminal Server?!
-       How to get the most of Remote Desktop Services and maybe even replace your Citrix farm and save costs

 Learn more and register @ the Windows User Group site.

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