
If you search for yourself online. Do you like the person you’ve found?

Should you be concerned about your Online Reputation?


56% of Adults surveyed don’t actively think about the consequences of their online activities.

21% were fired from a job because of their online reputation and 16% lost out on getting a job because of it.


This Saturday (January 28th) is Data Privacy Day

Held annually on January 28th, Data Privacy Day (DPD) aims to increase awareness of privacy and data protection issues among consumers, organizations, and government officials. DPD helps industry, academia, and advocates to highlight consumer privacy efforts.

Microsoft commissioned some great research that included 500 Irish Adults and 500 Irish Children.

The results are very interesting – and are summarised in a neat little video.


As are the associated resources that are published along with the survey.

Take Charge of Your Online Reputation is a really good two pager that highlights what the problem is and what you can do about it.

So, let’s all spend some time this Saturday thinking about the data privacy issues that affect us.  If you’ve got kids online, then they really need a helping hand.
