
Free and easy way to get your users up to speed with Office 2007

 I'll have to admit when I first started using Office 2007 I did find it difficult  to deal with the new ribbon task bars and find the functionality that I had downpat with Office 2003. If you've just deployed Office 2007 and you're getting some resistance from your internal customers to the changes - help is at hand. If you follow the links below, you'll find free of charge plug-ins that create Getting Started Tabs that show end users how to get the best out of the applications using multi-media training, show-me video instruction and an Interactive guide. These are some of the best plug-ins I've seen - try them for yourself.

Word: https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=F587370C-FDAE-4EDE-B528-AC58031A5DFF&displaylang=en

Excel - https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=8A5AF9D7-08A7-41BA-8844-76BB94228957&displaylang=en

Power Point- https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=831F0AE9-FC50-4074-96D3-D02FD98CB041&displaylang=en