
Event: Microsoft's Unified Communications Launch - Dublin and Belfast

Come to Microsoft's Irish Launch event in both in Dublin and Belfast for Unified Communications. UC really is the next big thing!  Microsoft unified communications technologies bridge the divide between computers and telephones with two integrated servers: Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007. They integrate with your company's existing phone system and deliver complete communications services using your existing data network.


No forklift required: Microsoft unified communications technologies maximize your existing infrastructure by integrating legacy PBX systems through a VoIP/PBX gateway.


With Microsoft unified communications technologies, the computers on your network gain the functionality of advanced VoIP phones. Users can click to call any contact in their address book. A simple phone call can become a conference call or a video conference, on the fly.

Microsoft® unified communications technologies use the power of software to streamline communications between people and organizations, regardless of medium, platform, device or location. These technologies integrate with your existing voice/PBX and network infrastructure to deliver a secure, common management platform for all of your communication workloads including e-mail, instant messaging, telephony/VoIP and conferencing.

Hear from Microsoft customers and partners at the events, on their experience deploying Microsoft unified communications technologies, as well as the business impact it has had on their employees and company.


Where and When

  • Number 6 Kildare Street, Dublin on Tuesday 23rd October. Registration from 9am, event runs from 0930 to 1200, followed by a buffet lunch. Register here.
  • Radisson, Belfast on Thursday 25th October. Registration from 9am, event runs from 0930 to 1200, followed by a buffet lunch. Register here.


Who should attend

CIOs, IT Directors, IT Architects, TDMs, IT Managers, Network Managers, Telephony Managers