
Logger.exe is no substitute for a KITL debugger connection

This entry is dedicated to my readers troubled by Logger.exe and its sometimes incomplete log files. I carefully review all comments made to HoppeRx and Logger.exe (and its issues) appear to be a recurring theme.

For those unfamiliar with the tool, Logger.exe is a lightweight utility shipped with the Logo Test Kit that will capture debug messages to a log file either on your device or storage card. Often these messages are verbose and unreadable to the untrained eye, but are a crucial investigation tool for the savvy debugger. The purpose of this entry is to address some issues and complaints some readers have logged (pun intended) about incomplete logs being written to their device.

This entry started out as a defense of Logger and how the advent of Windows Mobile 5.0 and RNDIS/USB debugging should minimize the need for such a tool. But after editing out all my poor grammar, I realized you (the customer) don’t really care – you are focused on shipping your device and simply want the info. Fair enough.

So with that, I open HoppeRx up to you and want to hear about your experiences with the tool. Please keep in mind that this is a community site and the more constructive and detailed your suggestions are, the more likely they will be addressed. I make no promises that bugs reported will be fixed, but I can assure you each will be evaluated by me and my findings reported back to the community.


  • Anonymous
    November 15, 2005
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 27, 2005
    Hmmm - I keep re-reading the above post trying to understand how it relates to the Logger post above. My guess is that it does not and Frank is simply curious as to why he is seeing the appman abort he posted (please correct me if I am wrong).

    I can poke around and see what was fixed and if we have seen the issue above.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2006

    Which AKU are you seeing this on?


    This might be the data abort we were looked at regarding amstubs.cpp where AMAppView() failed to check for a NULL pointer on one of the arguments.

    If this is the same data abort, then it should be fixed in AKU2+


  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2006
    fix hopper

  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2006

    Could you please tell me how auto run the logger.exe from SD card and log to SD card? Because that always log to device as the logger.exe running. Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    August 29, 2006
    Sorry for the delay, we haven't forgot about you. I am actively trying to find this particular tools' owner so we can get you the most accurate information possible. Thanks for your patience.

  • Anonymous
    October 28, 2007
    Hello, i used the logger utility to improve device stability, the first problem was how can i store the logs into storage card instead of device memory. i found that i need to set this registry key to point the debug log to certain path [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemPlatform] DataPath=Storage Card is logger.exe source code available so i can display extended exception information, or detailed call stack , the debug output from a stack fault exception in GWES is like this MSG @0:0:24.451 [Stack fault]: Thread=8654dbac Proc=80b94280 'gwes.exe' MSG @0:0:24.451 AKY=00040011 PC=80289780(NK.EXE+0x00039780) RA=8027ab28(NK.EXE+0x0002ab28) BVA=26020fe4 FSR=00000007 while i need to have extended information about the stack fault, is there sometool that can display this extended information? or the source code of logger.exe  and i make the necessary changes?

  • Anonymous
    November 18, 2007
    i have tried setting the path mentioned buth in that case it read the inserted storage card as Storage Card2 and make one more folder on the windows mobile device with the name Storage Card. Please help me regarding how to log a hopper msgs in Storage Card. Because when i run logger.exe it doesn,t prompt for any msg regrading storing the log on Storage Card.

  • Anonymous
    March 25, 2009
    Why do some retail messages show up in the logger output and some don't?  We have a serial console that also outputs the retail messages, and I see messages that show up in both places, and some that only show up in the console.