
Treo 700w Update Available - Messaging and Security Feature Pack

Palm and Verizon Wireless have released the new build that includes the Messaging and Security Feature Pack (MSFP)! This is a huge step forward and many customers have been waiting for this. Here are the highlights of the upgrade from Palm….

The Palm® Treo™ 700w Updater 1.10 for Verizon Wireless includes the following enhancements for your smartphone:

  • Includes Microsoft®'s Messaging and Security Feature Pack (MSFP) with Direct Push Technology¹ for automatic wireless synchronization of email, calendar, contacts and, now, tasks² (learn more)
  • Enhances email capabilities for more support of push email solutions, such as WirelessSync and GoodLink™, and of synchronization capabilities, such as the ability to maintain an "always on" data connection after POP or IMAP email synchronization and the ability to auto-synchronize all email accounts based on user setting².
  • Updated memory management
  • Pictures and Videos enhancements
  • New Wireless Manager provides an updated interface for turning wireless radios on and off on your 700w smartphone

There are more features which you can read about at https://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/exchange/2003/sp2mobility.mspx.

Please read the upgrade instructions. You can find the update and more information at https://www.palm.com/us/support/downloads/treo700wupdater/verizon.html