
Please Join us for a Higher Education Webinar on Unified Communications

Thursday November 15th, 2007 at 2:30 PM EST

For institutions that want to extend their existing investments in Microsoft infrastructure and enhance collaborative capabilities.

What you will learn:

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 bring forth a new strategy from Microsoft: Unified Communications.  Institutions that have already invested in Microsoft Infrastructure and Microsoft Information Worker solutions are now presented with a bridging technology that leverages the best in Multimedia Communications with comprehensive collaboration applications that are tightly integrated throughout the entire Microsoft computing experience. 

With Microsoft Unified Communications, your constituents can continue to use the software based messaging applications that they are accustomed to  in addition to  providing your institution with a platform that will accommodate future software based communications applications .  All without the costly investments in proprietary infrastructure.  Enhance campus wide collaboration, IM, VoIP, Video Conferencing, and Mobility.

  • Microsoft Office integration for collaboration and communications at the application level.
  • Extend communications applications to mobile users.
  • Reduce support costs for End Of Life Voicemail Applications.
  • Provide voice access to Microsoft Exchange features.
  • Support distance learning initiatives with OCS.
  • Provide support for archiving and retrieval of IM for compliance.
  • PBX Integration and investment protection.
  • Enable a migration strategy from a hardware centric communications model to software based communications.

To register:

Attendee URL:                       https://www112.livemeeting.com/cc/baltimore/join?id=R57225&role=attend&pw=qGb%29r%27p29

Audio:                                     Toll free: +1 (888) 942-8686  Participant code: 6347388

 Please email: info@enablingtechcorp.com with any questions regarding OCS or this educational webinar
