
Hi ho, Hi ho, it’s off to HIMSS we go…..

Hi all

It is a real honor to cover for Bill whilst he is off on his well-earned sabbatical. The timing couldn’t be better –HIMSS 2013 Annual Conference and Exhibition I leave for HIMSS tomorrow, and I am really looking forward to it. Despite working in and around healthcare for 13 of my 18 years since University, I have never been to HIMSS (being mainly UK focused previously). I am really keen, therefore, to compare it to my fond memories of shows in Harrogate (UK readers will know what I mean). At HIMSS, there will be around 35,000 people who are looking for the next great “thing” in health IT and I am expecting to have my assumptions challenged and to find some really interesting things there.

From our point of view, we will be there to make sure we get a chance to hear from the attendees about their current challenges and to see if and how the big changes we have made over the last year to our products and solutions can help. It’s always really inspiring (and sometimes challenging) to hear from people who live and breathe this stuff in hospitals day in and day out. It is hard to provide IT that is both great to use AND secure and manageable – and it will be really interesting to see the customer response to how we see things moving forward, as well as to learn from the attendees what is and isn’t really important.


For those of you who will be at HIMSS – come and say hello on the Microsoft booth. For those who can’t get there – let me know if there is anything you want me to check out and report back on. As a final note, for those of you wondering, I will have a Surface Pro with me …

Thanks all – see you in New Orleans



Technorati Tags: HIMSS,Windows 8,doctors,nurses,health computing,Surface,healthcare


  • Anonymous
    February 28, 2013
    Good luck at HIMSS.  And, thanks for stepping up to author HealthBlog while I'm away on sabbatical. See you in May! Bill Crounse, MD

  • Anonymous
    February 28, 2013
    Thanks Bill, and don't worry everyone - I will make the font bigger for my next post :) Gareth