
First Look: Microsoft “Health Tech Today”

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Health Tech Today—a new monthly, on-line video series at the intersection of health and information technology.  The show premiers November 10th, but you can see a video trailer of our first show right now (click on the link or program logo above, or watch it in the embedded player below).  Please help us spread the word.  Blog about it.  Tweet your friends.  Post information about Health Tech Today on Facebook.  Health IT has a new voice.  I think you’ll like what you see.


Bill Crounse, MD   Senior Director, Worldwide Health       Microsoft

Technorati Tags: Microsoft,Health,Healthcare,Health IT,Health Tech,Internet,Windows 7,web video,Health 2.0,Health 3.0,physicians,patients,CIO,CEO,COO,nurses,HIMSS,Microsoft HUG