
Update to 64 Bit Application and Drivers Post from May 26, 2009

On May 26th, I post the following: https://blogs.technet.com/haroldwong/archive/2009/05/26/64-bit-applications-and-drivers.aspx where I talk about challenges with 64 bit applications and drivers for hardware devices.  Specifically for me, I was really frustrated with one particular device (Neat Mobile Scanner) that I could not get to work with my 64 bit OS.

So, how many people have called tech support / customer service for a vendor and not been happy with the answer you received?  So you hang up and call again in the hopes of getting someone else that will give you the answer you want to hear?  I decided to call Neat again on Friday to complain about the lack of a 64 bit driver for my product.  The first guys essentially me I was out of luck.  The second time I called back, the person told me that I could purchase the NeatWorks application which comes with the 64 bit driver as part of the install.  I told him I shouldn’t have to pay for a driver if I don’t care about the NeatWorks application since I was only using NeatScan to Office.  This person told me that unfortunately, they don’t have a 64 bit version of that application and the drivers are not available separately.  On the third call, I asked when they would have a 64 bit version of NeatScan to Office and that I thought it was stupid that they don’t have a driver separate from the application package.  He promptly told me that they did have a 64 bit version of NeatScan to Office and that he would send me the link to the download.  WHAT IN THE WORLD????  The download is not on the company’s public website and the first two people I spoke to did not even know it was available.

Either way, I downloaded the 75 MB file and installed the application and “poof”, my scanner now works on my 64 bit Windows 7 RC machine!!!!!  I’m sure you are now wondering if I will post the link for the download.  I asked the support person if I could do that and he said it would be best to just have people call the Neat support line and ask for it.  If they get someone on the phone that doesn’t know about the 64 bit version of NeatScan to Office, just push them and ask them to ask other folks in the support team since it does exist. 

I am a very happy camper right now since I am able to get all my key devices working on my 64 bit Windows 7 RC laptop (and I’m happy with Neat again)!!!!  I just hope more and more vendors work on the 64 bit support sooner versus later!!!!

Harold Wong