
Multi Touch in Windows 7

Are you intrigued by multi touch? The Windows Engineering team just posted a great article on how Touch was implemented in Windows 7 and on how software developers can tap into this: https://blogs.msdn.com/e7/archive/2009/03/25/touching-windows-7.aspx#comments

The developer from a Windows team point of view use the WIN32 API. Of course most of you use .NET. There are also a bunch of resource available for you already.

Check out these labs to find out how you can use Windows 7 touch with WPF 3.5 SP1: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/WindowsTouch

This WPF 4.0 session from PDC shows you what you can expect next: https://channel9.msdn.com/pdc2008/PC03/
