
How to get started to use Azure CLI (node.js) to manage Windows Azure Services?

Windows Azure CLI (Command Line Interface) provides two sets of interfaces. The first set is written in Powershell, which is targeted for developers of Windows operating system. The second set is written in node.js which is primarily for developers using Mac/Linux. However, node version is not banned to be used on Windows, so here the adventure starts. 

1. Download and Install node.js

This step is straightforward and well documented. Just go to node.js website, select the version of node that is compatible with your operating system. I am on Windows 8, so I chose Windows Installer (.msi), 64-bit.  Click download, and install. 

2. Install Windows Azure CLI (node.js) and import account information. 

Once node has been successfully installed, go to the installed directory. On my machine, node is located at C:\Program Files\nodejs. Start following the Windows Azure CLI installation guide located here. On my machine, I need to run the installation command as Administrator to ensure success execution. 

3. At this point, you can enjoy all the features of Windows Azure CLI (nodejs) version if PowerShell is not the best choice for your project. Particularly, if you are interested in using non-.NET language, PowerShell may not be the most convenient because you may develop the client on some non-Windows operating system. Currently, It supports Azure Website, Azure account, Azure Mobile, Azure Service Bus, Azure SQL and Azure Virtual Machine. More details can be fetched by the following command 

azure help


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