
Full day hands-on workshop @ Fall 2008 SQL Connections


This coming fall, we will be having a full day, hands-on workshop at SQL Connection in Las Vegas, covering the upcoming Visual Studio Team Edition 2008 Database Edition GDR release.

The goal of the workshop is to get you acquainted with the new functionality and to go through a complete end-to-end database development life cycle, from setup, incubation of databases in to the system, making changes and deploying changes using the new deployment engine.

Details you can find on the workshop section SQL Connections conference site.



SPS301: DataDude to the Max (Bring Your Own Laptop) (9 AM - 4 PM) Gert Drapers The latest release of Visual Studio Team System Database Edition, not only enables support for SQL Server 2008 and all its new metadata, it includes a completely revamped build and deployment engine and new tools for increasing the quality of your database schemas. This workshop will guide you through  all the steps from how to get set up, creating your initial enlistments, building deployment packages, how to create configuration files for your deployment packages, and how to test and validate your deployments. If you bring your own notebook you can follow along using the VPC provided. You can attend without a laptop but your experience will be significantly better with one! This is meant as an advanced workshop and will expect a reasonable laptop configuration in order to participate: * Virtual PC 2007—already installed * At least 1 GB of physical memory w/512 MB dedicated to the VPC environment (2 GB is preferred w/1 GB dedicated to VPC) * 12 GB of physical disk space (20+ GB is preferred) * DVD drive

We hope to see you there!
