
Announcing release of Ruby.NET (community edition) version 0.9

Cool News!!!!!!


From: Wayne Kelly
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 6:58 PM
To: Frank Arrigo
Subject: Announcing release of Ruby.NET (community edition) version 0.9

Hi frank,

We are please to announce the release ofversion 0.9 of Ruby.NET, you can download it now from our new home pageat https://rubydotnet.googlegroups.com/web/Home.htm.

This is the first open source community edition of Ruby.NET. In July of this year, the team at QUT decided totransfer complete control and ownership of the project to the Ruby and .NET open source communities and to strongly encourage others to directly contributeto and steer the project (staff at QUT remain, however, strongly committed andheavily involved in the project).

This new version includes substantialimprovements, including improved Ruby/.NET interoperability, .NET subtyping,creation of .NET delegates using Ruby blocks and support for visual design of Windows Forms applications within Visual Studio. We’ve also fixed lots of bugs and are close to getting Ruby on Rails to run successfully.

We look forward to you feedback. A Googlegroup has been set up for discussing the Ruby.NET compiler project. The emailaddress is RubyDOTNET@googlegroups.comand you can join at https://groups.google.com/group/RubyDOTNET.

We are getting close to releasing our first "production quality" release, version 1.0. If you areinterested in using Ruby.NET for "production purposes" , please contact us as we'd be happy to workwith you in creating some showcase examples of real world usage.

If you are interested in contributing,please visit https://rubydotnet.googlegroups.com/web/ForContributors.htm - we need all the help that we can get!

Also, please help us by spreading the world about this release and the project via whateverblogs, email lists, friends, networks, media etc that you have access to and you think would be appropriate.

Cheers, Wayne.


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