
TechNet Webcast: A Comprehensive Look at Anti-Spam Technologies in Exchange 2003 SP2 (Level 300)

Source: https://www.microsoft.com/events/EventDetails.aspx?CMTYSvcSource=MSCOMMedia&Params=%7eCMTYDataSvcParams%5e%7earg+Name%3d%22ID%22+Value%3d%221032282011%22%2f%5e%7earg+Name%3d%22ProviderID%22+Value%3d%22A6B43178-497C-4225-BA42-DF595171F04C%22%2f%5e%7earg+Name%3d%22lang%22+Value%3d%22en%22%2f%5e%7earg+Name%3d%22cr%22+Value%3d%22US%22%2f%5e%7esParams%5e%7e%2fsParams%5e%7e%2fCMTYDataSvcParams%5e

Start Time: Monday, October 17, 2005 9:30 AM (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) 1730 UK Time
End Time: Monday, October 17, 2005 11:00 AM (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) 1900 UK TIme

To keep your information technology infrastructure safe, you must be up-to-date on the latest threats and the countermeasures to block or mitigate them. This webcast presents the complete view of the anti-spam techniques in Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2. It includes descriptions and technical drill-downs for features that originally shipped in Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, plus the additions in Service Pack 2. The webcast concludes with tips and tricks for fighting spam.

Presenter: Mihai Costea, Program Manager, Exchange Server, Microsoft Corporation & Alexander Nikolayev, Program Manager, Microsoft Corporation