
PPN #3 - Getting Results from Software Development Teams

Tänaseks PPN raamatuks on käesoleval aastal ilmunud Lawrence J. Peters’i Getting Results from Software Development Teams. Raamat keskendub tarkvaraarenduse projektijuhtimisele, asju selgitatakse päris lihtsas vormis ja tuuakse palju praktilisi näiteid. Dr. Peters’i teos on eelkõige hea lugemine tarkvaraprojektide juhtidele, sest käsitletakse erinevaid projektijuhtimise stiile, mudeleid ja jõutakse isegi selleni, kuidas oma tiimi motiveerida.

Ingliskeelne tutvustus:

Get the expert guidance you need to learn how to meet requirements and expectations, on time and on budget, with best practices for software development project management. Software project management can encompass specific methodologies, such as Agile, Scrum, CMMI, and IBM Rational Unified Process; specific tools, such as Microsoft Visual Studio Team System; or specific roles, such as architect, coder, tester, and project manager. But beyond the hot-shot code jockeys, the high-end equipment, and the time and budget available, one of the most important aspects of successful software development projects is management. Unlike other books on the subject, this book focuses on the critical manager role. Written by an expert with decades of experience and software development management expertise who has conducted extensive research on project management, this book shows managers how to lead a project successfully.

Kui soovid raamatut tendale, siis jäta palun kommentaar. Täpsemad juhised ja reeglid leiad eelmisest PPN postitustest - Parimate praktikate nädal ehk PPN, #1


  • Anonymous
    October 29, 2008
    Tere! Tunnen selle teose vastu sügavat huvi :)

  • Anonymous
    October 29, 2008
    The comment has been removed