
Arendaja, uuenda oma teadmisi!

Arendaja, uuenda oma teadmisi! Ramp Up MSDN keskkonnas asub üks võrdlemisi uus ja huvitav koolitusprogramm nimega Ramp Up. Tegemist on arendajatele suunatud tasuta veebipõhise koolitusteseeriaga, mis aitab uuendada olemasolevaid progemisteadmisi. Materjalid on välja töötatud oma ala proffide poolt ja koosnevad nii juhenditest (white papers), e-õppe kursustest kui ka virtuaalsetest hands-on laboritest.

See on hea lähtekoht karjääriredelil ülespoole liikumiseks. Näiteks kui sa tahad õppida lähemalt tundma kuidas käib hetkel väga kuuma tehnoloogia ehk SharePointi (MOSS) arendus, soovid VB 6.0 pealt üle minna VB 2005-le, oled Java arendaja ja plaanid lähemalt tutvust teha .NET-iga või oled täiesti algaja.

Koolituste nimekiri täieneb pidevalt ja hetkel on saadaval järgmised kursused:

  • SharePoint for Developers - Part 1 ja Part 2
    • As a developer, would you like to learn more about Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS)? MOSS is based on Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services, which gives developers the opportunity to get more problems solved with less effort. Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 takes full advantage of Microsoft ASP.NET and the Microsoft .NET runtime. The new features and added programmability support in MOSS provide a wealth of development opportunities. This second course will immerse you in even more of the developer-centric capabilities of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server.
  • Visual Studio 2008
    • If you desire to learn about the new Visual Studio 2008 tool, this special TechEd track is for you. Designed to help you concentrate on what is new in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, this learning track helps you to upgrade your skills. By graduation, you will be skilled in the latest application development techniques and technologies. You can easily use Visual Studio 2008 to develop in a broad range of Microsoft .NET Framework–based solutions for Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Windows Mobile-based devices, and the Web.
  • For the VS 2002/2003 Developer: Learn VS 2005
    • If you are an established Microsoft Visual Studio 2002/2003 developer, then this track is for you because even the experts need help sometimes. Designed to help you concentrate on what is new in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, Microsoft Visual Basic 2005, and Microsoft Visual C# 2005, this learning track helps you to upgrade your skills. By graduation, you will be skilled in the latest application development techniques and technologies. You can easily use Visual Studio 2005 to develop in a broad range of Microsoft .NET Framework–based solutions for Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Windows Mobile-based devices, and the Web.
  • For the VB 6.0 Developer: Learn VB 2005
    • Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 is the ideal environment for a Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 developer to extend existing Microsoft Windows–based desktop applications as well as build new Web, Microsoft Office application, and mobile device functionality. This track has been designed to help you extend your existing skills and become proficient in Visual Basic 2005 and the Microsoft .NET Framework.
  • For the Java Developer: Learn .NET
    • If you are a Java developer wanting to expand your skills and gain proficiency in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, look no further! This learning track has been tailored specifically to provide you with the core information you need to start successfully developing with Microsoft Visual C# 2005 on the Microsoft .NET Framework.
  • Developer Basics
    • Every developer has to start somewhere. Start with MSDN Ramp Up. This track has been built to address the needs of the aspiring developer. Begin your learning journey with guidance from expert developers and gurus.

Kõikidele kursuse lõpetajatele käiakse praegu preemiana välja erinevad Graduation Award soodustused oma teadmiste kinnitamiseks:

Kõigest saab lähemalt lugeda siit aadressilt: https://www.msdn.com/rampup/

Programmi puudutavate küsimuste korral aitab Ramp Up foorum https://social.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/rampup/threads/
