
Windows Azure and SQL DB materials–curriculum and development

I just saw that some new Curriculum materials for Windows Azure and SQL Databases in the Faculty Connection – those are great resources for helping with teaching students, especially since no knowledge of Cloud Computing is required.

It’s also good to see all the materials that are available for Windows Azure – to help get up to speed, weather it be for using, developing on, or managing.  A few I thought might be of interest…

Azure Features - Web Sites, Virtual Machines, Cloud Services, Big Data, and Media Services

Azure Developer Center – Languages supported: Node.js, PHP, Java, Python, and of course .NET

Hadoop on Windows Azure Tutorials /How To Guides

There are also some really good overview materials on the fundamentals of Windows Azure from David Chappell.

Windows Azure Trust Center – contains table which shows which Windows Azure features are currently in scope for the existing compliance programs. 

Cross Posted from Dan Fay's Blog (https://blogs.msdn.com/dan\_fay)