
My SharePoint developers' book is done

So I am all done with the book. We have written all 15 chapters, had them reviewed by the techical reviewer, and been through second drafts. We have also been through a round of copy edits and proof readers. I just finished posting the last proof of the last chapter to the publisher which is what I review before it goes to the printer. The only remaining items are the index and the front matter for the book. Neither do I expect to have many significant edits. We are on target for a mid-may release.

If you are asking yourself, what book? Check Out: https://blogs.msdn.com/edhild/pages/pro-sharepoint-solution-development-combining-net-sharepoint-and-office-2007.aspx. I'll make the final edits to the TOC in the next few days as some of the names have changed. But everything you see there made it into the book.

If you want to read more, the technical reviewer posted a review the other day:
