
The Microsoft Security Community Videos: A Peek Behind the Curtain

EcoStrat's All-Stars

TwC Security All-Star Guest Bloggers

Security, Vulnerability Research & Science, Defense and Responsible Disclosure

0-day, FUD

As mentioned in Sarah’s Black Hat post, we’re profiling some of our own internal security members and sharing their perspectives around Microsoft’s engagement in the security community.  Maarten Van Horenbeeck, Security Program Manager, Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) and Katie Moussouris, Senior Security Strategist, Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL), answer the following two questions:

How did we become involved in security at Microsoft?

What changes have we seen at Microsoft security over the years?


Keep an eye out for more security personalities sharing their perspectives tomorrow and be sure to visit www.microsoft.com/twc/blogs for additional posts by Katie, Maarten and other TwC Security folks on the ground at Black Hat!

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