
Microsoft Dynamics User Group Conferences coming October 2013

Annual Dynamics user conferences – hosted by the independent user groups for Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft Dynamics GP, and Microsoft Dynamics NAV – empower users to connect, learn and share through focused peer-to-peer education and intimate networking opportunities.

The independent user groups for Microsoft Dynamics AX (AXUG), Microsoft Dynamics CRM (CRMUG), Microsoft Dynamics GP (GPUG), and Microsoft Dynamics NAV (NAVUG) are hosting their annual conferences the week of October 21, 2013 in Tampa, FL.

· AXUG Summit 2013 – October 22-25 – Tampa Convention Center

· CRMUG Summit 2013 – October 22-24 – Tampa Marriott Waterside

· GPUG Summit 2013 – October 22-25 – Tampa Convention Center

· NAVUG Forum 2013 – October 22-24 – Tampa Marriott Waterside

These four separate events – while hosted simultaneously in Tampa – are exclusive of one another and are led by users and experts from their respective Microsoft Dynamics product community. All Dynamics customers and partners are invited to participate!

Summit and Forum provide Microsoft Dynamics users a unique and intimate opportunity to dive deep into their Microsoft Dynamics solution, tackle challenges and learn from the experiences of other users who think and work like they do. Users will engage in interactive learning sessions, roundtable discussions and valuable networking opportunities at an event hand-crafted exclusively for the Microsoft Dynamics community.

For additional information, please visit PartnerSource.