
Sample Data Generator Series – Part 2: Ready to Use Sample Data Files for Dynamics CRM & How to Use It

Sivakumar Venkataraman - Click for blog homepageThis is the second post in the Sample Data Generator Series.

In this post, we will give you some heads up on the ready to use sample data files which you would have downloaded from the first post in this series – Sample Data Generator Series – Part 1: Overview of Generating Sample Data for Dynamics CRM

These sample files are explained below and they need to be imported in the specific sequence.

  • 01_UserTeams.zip
  • 02_SiteProducts.zip
  • 03_LeadAccountContacts.zip
  • 04_CampaignOpportunityCases.zip

Importing Users & Teams

This is the first file to be imported. This zip file contains comma delimited files for Users, Teams and Sales Territories. You can import this into any Dynamics CRM environment. If the domain does not match with the domain which you have in the file, the user data will be imported but all users will be marked as inactive. There might be some records which might fail importing due to duplicate checks as these are random data which gets generated by the generator template, which is fine. The data integrity between imported records will be maintained during the import.

Importing Sites and Products

This is the second file to be imported. This zip file contains comma delimited files for Sites, Products, Articles, Competitors, Price List, Sales Literature, Sales Attachments and Subjects. There might be some records which might fail importing due to duplicate checks as these are random data which gets generated by the generator template, which is fine. The data integrity between imported records will be maintained during the import.

Import Leads, Accounts and Contacts

This is the second file to be imported. This zip file contains comma delimited files for Leads, Accounts and Contacts. There might be some records which might fail importing due to duplicate checks as these are random data which gets generated by the generator template, which is fine. The data integrity between imported records will be maintained during the import.

Import Campaigns, Opportunities and Cases

This is the last import file to be imported. This zip file contains comma delimited files for Appointments, Campaigns, Campaign Responses, Cases, Case Resolutions, Opportunities and Phone Calls. There might be some records which might fail importing due to duplicate checks as these are random data which gets generated by the generator template, which is fine. The data integrity between imported records will be maintained during the import.

The next article will provide insight into some sample data maps which can be imported into Dynamics CRM for the import of these records.


  • Anonymous
    May 05, 2016