
Dynamics Financial Reporting

All about financial reporting and consolidations for Microsoft Dynamics ERPs

Installing the Management Reporter Server

One of the significant enhancements to Management Reporter is support for a multi-tiered...

Author: mmclean Date: 01/15/2010

FRx 6.7 to Management Reporter Migration

With the Beta for Management Reporter right around the corner, we can now begin a series of feature...

Author: mmclean Date: 12/08/2009

Announcing Management Reporter Beta

Today we are excited to announce the upcoming beta release of Management Reporter for Microsoft...

Author: mmclean Date: 09/30/2009

FRx 6.7 SP11

Work is underway for FRx SP11. SP11 will include the following: · Support for Windows 7...

Author: mmclean Date: 08/07/2009

In June, Directions on Microsoft added a new roadmap covering Management Reporter, FRx, Forecaster,...

Author: mmclean Date: 07/02/2009

Introduction to Management Reporter

This will be the last post in our series of product introductions. Today we'll provide a brief intro...

Author: mmclean Date: 06/22/2009

Introduction to Enterprise Reporting

Today's post will be a brief introduction to Enterprise Reporting from another one of our program...

Author: mmclean Date: 06/09/2009

Introduction to FRx and Forecaster

The next three posts will be quick introductions to the products our team owns. There are four...

Author: mmclean Date: 05/29/2009

Welcome to Dynamics CPM!

Right now you are probably asking yourself, "What is Dynamics CPM?". CPM stands for Corporate...

Author: mmclean Date: 05/21/2009
