
Dynamics NAV Business Integration Platform

Microsoft BizTalk biedt voor onze kleinere Microsoft Dynamics NAV klanten nog wel eens te veel functionaliteit. Er zijn een paar oplossingen die dit gat opvullen. Connectivity Studio van To-Increase is er een van. Een andere werd ik onlangs op gewezen:

With ConnectIT you can exchange all Dynamics NAV data with any other application. This applies to standard NAV as well as to add-on solutions and bespoke developments. ConnectIT opens up Dynamics NAV completely.
With ConnectIT you can set up interfaces with all available technologies, like:
- File exchange (csv, xml, fixed width, xls)
- Realtime interfaces through webservices and the MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queue)
- Direct database connections
Highly user friendly screens have been developed for the definition of the interfaces. Data fields can be chosen, simply by clicking on them. ConnectIT builds the actual interface for you in the background.
Regardless of the other system / application, the appropriate technology can be chosen.

Now, you can try ConnectIT for free. The installation package is available for download at Mibuso: <www.mibuso.com/dlinfo.asp?FileID=1180>