
Two more “getting started” links

I find myself sending this link on quite a bit: <accentient.com/widgets.aspx>. Calling the content of that page "widgets" is a little of a misnomer—there are links to install tools, build tools, process templates, migration tools, and other role-based add-ons. It gives you a good indication for which products cost money vs. which are free (and sometimes unsupported) add-ons. I've met some of the mentors there (Steven Borg, John Alexander, and Jeff Julian), and they've all been great to work with. They have some interesting blogs around Team System as well.

Another site that's helped a lot of people is "SDLC-in-a-Box" (<www.sdlcinabox.com/>). It's mostly targeted at Microsoft partners, but it helps show how Team System fits in with the VSIP (Visual Studio Industry Partner) program. There are a lot of tools that augment Team System, and SDLC-in-a-Box shows Team System integrated with our partners. It provides several (currently 12) modules, and helps pilot an integrated solution across a software lifecycle; it starts at installation and ends with post mortem and team management modules.