
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Resource Kit: Troubleshooting Basics

Troubleshooting can be one of the most challenging tasks that an administrator, systems engineer, or other information technology professional can undertake. The key to troubleshooting is an in-depth understanding of how something is supposed to work. This chapter discusses the basics of troubleshooting Microsoft Lync Server 2010 by defining how to use the tools that are available for uncovering the cause of problems in Windows Server, SQL Server, and Lync Server 2010. This chapter is being developed.You can download this and other Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Resource Kit chapters from the Download Center .

Authors: Bernd Ott and Rick Kingslan

Publication date: May 2011

Product version: Microsoft Lync Server 2010

The upcoming Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Resource Kit book will provide in-depth technical content about Lync Server 2010. The book will focus on professionals who want to understand more about how the product works internally. You can download this and other Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Resource Kit chapters from the Download Center.

The process of troubleshooting Lync Server can be challenging, and there is a lot of complexity in the actual operation of the server elements. However, there are some good tools that you can use—some general-purpose and others that are specific to Lync Server. Because Lync Server is a complex product, narrowing the scope of the problem to a specific component is an important step to quickly resolving the issue. This chapter gives you information that helps you narrow the scope of the problem and exmplains tools that you can use to help you understand the root cause of the problem.


Troubleshooting a system such as Lync Server 2010 and the Windows operating system is similar to the work of a detective solving a crime. Evidence of the problem is collected, and contributing factors of the problem are either included or excluded. The outcome of the initial triage process should eliminate most possible causes to a few potential cuases. By using the tools and techniques described, it should be a straight forward process to target the problem component or configuration.

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Keywords: Lync Server diagnostics, validators, debug logs, troubleshooting