
All About Interop

Connecting .NET to just about anything else

Enable .NET 3.5 goodies in IIS vdir

Some of you may be oddballs like me: you like .NET, you program in .NET, but you don't always use...

Date: 12/05/2008

Geneva supports OASIS WS-Trust, SAML

Last week at the PDC 2008, Microsoft released the public beta of “Geneva”. “Geneva” is three things:...

Date: 11/07/2008

Connect WebSphere and Java applications to SQL Server

FYI: The MS JDBC Driver is completely tested by IBM for use with WebSphere App Server v6.1 and v7.0....

Date: 11/05/2008

REST in WCF: Varying response content type based on HTTP Request Headers

Damian Mehers made a comment on my blog post from April, but I felt it was worth a full reblog....

Date: 11/04/2008

It just got easier to build REST apps in .NET

The REST starter kit that we launched at PDC is now live! :: https://www.msdn.com/wcf/rest . The WCF...

Date: 10/29/2008

Microsoft joins AMQP

Microsoft joins AMQP It's very good to see this. For those that don't know, AMQP is the Advanced...

Date: 10/24/2008

IIRF v1.2.15 is released - open source URL Rewriting on IIS6

I have previously written about IIRF. Here I go again: IIRF has now has been updated to v1.2.15....

Date: 10/15/2008

DotNetZip revs to v1.6 – now with Unicode support

The v1.6 release of DotNetZip is now available. DotNetZip is the open source Zip Library for .NET,...

Date: 10/14/2008

Eclipse tools for Silverlight and .NET

There is now an Eclipse project, Eclipse4SL, to produce tools that work with Microsoft Silverlight....

Date: 10/13/2008

WSDL-First in WCF, versus WSDL-First in ASMX

I wanted to point something out regarding the WSDL-First item I posted yesterday. This is a look at...

Date: 09/25/2008

Flatten your WSDL with this Custom ServiceHost for WCF

Yesterday I mentioned using a custom service host to flatten the WSDL that is generated by a WCF...

Date: 09/23/2008

Custom Config file for a WCF Service hosted in IIS

I am constantly developing new WCF services to try out various techniques, ideas, scenarios. Many...

Date: 09/22/2008

DotNetZip users: Please Test Unicode support (free zip library for .NET)

DotNetZip is an open-source library to allow any .NET application to read and create zip files. If...

Date: 09/19/2008

Profiles in Microsoftee-hood

I hadn't seen Microspotting before - consider me educated. It's a blg site run by a Microsoft...

Date: 09/16/2008

Many many LINQ Providers

When LINQ shipped, it included a provider model, to encourage people to make other systems and data...

Date: 09/12/2008

Using the WSDL-First design approach with WCF services

Couple of helpful posts from the archives for you. If you are care about interop, then you probably...

Date: 09/05/2008

Web services interop with WCF - Relevant Forum Questions

I was just browsing the WCF forum on MSDN. Here's a summary of the recent interesting threads...

Date: 09/04/2008

How to Build REST apps on .NET using WCF

There's a new screencast series on building services using the WCF part of .NET. The first few are...

Date: 08/22/2008

Editing XAML in Emacs

Luis Diego Fallas provides some hints. He uses a RELAX NG based parser called nXML mode for emacs....

Date: 08/21/2008

REST Q & A - enough already

Tim Bray at Sun has some questions and comments on REST. First, let me say that the religious wars...

Date: 08/18/2008

HOW TO: Configure the jakarta Tomcat connector for IIS (serve JSP from IIS)

Steve Sfartz offers a tip for configuring the Tomcat connector on IIS, to allow IIS and Tomcat to...

Date: 08/12/2008

Microsoft + Apache = ?

You saw the big news: Microsoft announced that it will give $100k to the Apache Software Foundation....

Date: 08/07/2008

Microsoft Becomes a Platinum Sponsor of Apache Foundation

Ha! It happened, just not in the way I thought it might. In February, I wrote that Microsoft, if...

Date: 08/06/2008

Oslo sessions at PDC 2008

https://sessions.microsoftpdc.com/public/sessions.aspx "Oslo": Managing Software + Services...

Date: 08/01/2008

More on non-standard RPC protocols - Cisco Etch

I came across this old bit of news - In May, Cisco joined the ranks of vendors that want to...

Date: 08/01/2008

Changing of the Guard: AXIS out, JAXWS in

I have come to a conclusion: I no longer want to deal with the hassle that has become Apache AXIS....

Date: 07/30/2008

Connecting to Exchange using JAX-WS, part 1

Yes, it is possible to Connect to Exchange using JAX-WS The fear and trepidation I had when...

Date: 07/29/2008


dp.SyntaxHighlighter.ClipboardSwf =...

Date: 07/25/2008

Connecting Java to Exchange over WebDAV, with Apache HttpClient

Earlier I mentioned a Java Exchange Connector I had seen, and in that post I also said that I had...

Date: 07/21/2008

What is Scalability? Do I have Extreme Requirements?

Can I turn my Volvo into an F1 Racer? I am a fan of auto racing. I started following racing way, way...

Date: 07/17/2008

.NET Terrarium - it's BAAAAAACK!

Remember Terrarium? It was a .NET 1.0 learning tool disguised as a game. Microsoft released a...

Date: 07/16/2008

New WCF + WF blog: Endpoint

A New Blog started last week, aggregating WCF and WF topics. If you're like me you have really good...

Date: 07/07/2008

More on PowerShell Interop - this time with Tibco EMS

Keeping on the theme of PowerShell interop.... Marc Adler wrote up a short, sweet little CmdLet for...

Date: 07/02/2008

PowerShell CMDLets for WebSphere MQ - administer queues on Windows or Linux

Last year, I wrote about the idea of PowerShell CmdLets for WebSphere MQ. PowerShell is a beautiful...

Date: 06/30/2008

Create Zip files within Powershell

You can use DotNetZip library from within Powershell. It's pretty simple, fast, easy. example:...

Date: 06/26/2008

Questions on Interoperability? Check the Forums !

Microsoft has migrated its interop discussion forum to a new forum engine. Find it at:...

Date: 06/26/2008

DotNetZip, open source library for .ZIP files, revs to v1.5 - nice ASP.NET capability

DotNetZip, the open source Zip Library for .NET, is now at v1.5. Find it at...

Date: 06/20/2008

OpenID and ASP.NET MVC interop

Another one of those in-case-you-missed-it posts: Scott Hanselman's done a good review of the...

Date: 06/20/2008

Microsoft System Center will manage Linux apps and assets

In case you missed it, this is from 6 weeks ago, on a Port25 post from Sam Ramji: Today, Bob Muglia...

Date: 06/19/2008

Open Source and Interoperability

Open. Source. Is. Not. Interoperability. Ted Neward is an entertaining and talented writer, not to...

Date: 06/18/2008

Rewriting URLs on IIS5, IIS6, or IIS7 (mod_rewrite on IIS?)

A couple weeks ago, Bill Staples made a splash when he announced a Rewrite Module for IIS7:...

Date: 06/18/2008

Java Exchange Connector and EWSJ

Just saw this on TheServerSide.com. The Exchange Web Services for Java (EWSJ - what happened to the...

Date: 06/17/2008

Microsoft Platform services

Microsoft has a new web page up covering a collection of hosted platform services. Worth checking...

Date: 06/16/2008

DotNetZip now can save directly to ASP.NET Response.OutputStream

Did you ever want to zip up a file within an ASP.NET page, and then send it as a download for the...

Date: 06/04/2008

Updated site for BizTalk Server

We've updated the BizTalk Server web site, it looks pretty nice. I think the 3D warped spiderman web...

Date: 06/03/2008
