
New DII website locations

I’ve heard from a couple of people who have noticed that the Document Interoperability Initiative website (www.documentinteropinitiative.org) started redirecting to a new site recently (https://www.microsoft.com/openspecifications), so thought I’d provide some info to clarify where to find various types of information going forward. All of the same content related to document formats is still available, but we’ve consolidated things so that it all lives on Microsoft.com under the Open Specifications site and the Microsoft Office File Formats site. This structure will allow us to keep things well organized as more content is added and updated in the future, and that will make it easier to find the content that you need.

You can find general information about DII on the Open Specifications site, as well as a recap of past interoperability events. (We’ll also be posting some information about upcoming events soon, and I’ll cover that in a separate blog post.)

The implementer notes for Office’s implementation of Open XML and ODF used to be available in an interactive format on the DII site, but we heard feedback from implementers that they wanted them published in an all-in-one PDF that would be easier to work with offline. Those changes are all done, and the PDFs are available for free download on the Microsoft Office Protocols website. There you can find implementer notes for ECMA-376, ISO/IEC 29500, and ODF.

Finally, if you have technical questions about any of the content on these sites, you can get help from our support engineers and others from the implementer community over on the Interoperability Forums.