
Translation Wiki for Visual Studio 2012

We are pleased to announce that the MSDN Translation Wiki project has been expanded for Visual Studio 2012. MSDN Translation Wiki is a wiki environment that allows users to read and edit MSDN Library online content for Visual Studio and .NET Framework with an editor. It consists of a combination of human and Machine Translation so the ability for users to improve the translation is important.


What languages is Translation Wiki available?

For the first time ever, Translation Wiki is now available for all supported Visual Studio 2012 languages (Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese/Brazilian, Polish, Turkish, and Czech). You can suggest improved translation for all Visual Studio 2012 topics.


Why is Translation Wiki important?

Translation Wiki edits are automatically propagated throughout the MSDN Library, so it is possible to improve the quality of many topics with just one suggestion. In addition, we will use translation suggestions to help train Machine Translation engines and improve future versions of MSDN Library content.


Current Features

  • Linked to the MSDN and TechNet Profile and Recognition system, contributors can receive achievements and medals for their contributions.

  • Lightweight sentence-level editor.

  • Sentence level mapping between English and translated content.

  • Translation edits done in one page are automatically propagated throughout the site which allows better consistency and quality of translation and less editing effort to improve the MT quality.

  • Translation edits captured in Translation Memories which allows us to retrain the Machine Translation engines, improve out Machine Translation content over time, and update the content as required to keep it at par with the English content as it gets updated.

  • Visual Studio IDE integration through F1 help.

  • An in-line bilingual viewer is also available on the Lightweight view of the Library, which allows users to see the original English text when hovering with the pointer on the next.


How to join the Translation Wiki community

If you want to participate and suggest a better translation, you can go to the Community Translate Page and sign in with Windows Live ID to get started.

A pool of trusted moderators (MVPs, Student Partners, and Microsoft employees) reviews, approves, or rejects the submitted changes to ensure the linguistic and technical accuracy of the suggestions. Once a moderator approves a suggestion, it will be displayed in the site. Moderators can also improve the translations on the site and they are displayed into the site in real time.

 If you want to become a moderator, please contact us. We will provide more information regarding the moderation program in the upcoming weeks.


  • Anonymous
    April 10, 2014
    we are going to see internet explorer on many categories and on many different languages on the coming future on visual studio 2012 on the msdns gallery and msdn technet wiki blog translations. With best regards Hassan Sayed Issa.