
Dave Voyles for Gaming, HTML5, Startups, & Xbox

I love Gaming, HTML5, Startups, & Xbox, so I figured "why not spread the good word?"

Ep 18, Livid Interactive, of the Indie Dev Podcast is out

You can listen to the show here. Joining me today are Game Designer / Leader Developer Jacob...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 01/14/2015

Microsoft web camps across the US in January

We’re hosting a series of web camps across the US in January. Specifically, I’ll be...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 12/31/2014

My 2014 year in review

Inspired by Raymond Camden’s blog, I decided to make a year in review of my own. My blog...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 12/31/2014

//GameOn contest for student game devs, how I started with GDC

In October, I wrote about how I would get started with programming, knowing what I do today.  ...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 12/29/2014

Creating an inventory system in Unity, using C#

I’ve been working on a shmup for some time now, and just started blogging about it. One issue...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 12/16/2014

Indie Dev Podcast – Episode 17 – Illyriad Games

Listen to the podcast.   The episode originally appeared on the Indie Dev Podcast website....

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 12/14/2014

Lone Survivor is one of the most emotionally charged book I have ever read

I recently watched the film Lone Survivor on a flight and thought it was fantastic. I knew that I...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 12/14/2014

Switching from a Comcast modem to a NETGEAR Nighthawk

I currently pay $75 / mo for a 75mbps up / 12 mbps down plan from Comcast. Until last week, I was...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 12/14/2014

Microsoft Ventures opens an accelerator in Seattle, applications open

Microsoft Ventures, the startup branch of the company, has recently opened an accelerator in...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 12/10/2014

How do I publish apps on Xbox One?

I get this question all of the time, and I end up answering it in email on a pretty consistent...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 12/03/2014

Microsoft’s new game development show, Level Up

Microsoft has a new video show, based on game development, called Level Up. You can find Episode 1:...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 11/25/2014

Tutorial: Connecting your Xbox One / 360 gamepad to Unity

The fine folks at PHL Collective, a Philadelphia based game development studio put together a brief...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 11/24/2014

I’m working on my own Unity game, a side scrolling shmup

I’m always talking about the importance of showing off your work to the world, yet I forget to...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 11/18/2014

Intro to Azure power point

I recently gave an introduction to Azure talk at the Harrisburg .NET code camp Below is the slide...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 11/18/2014

Gamepad API, Wave Audio, Ecmascript 6 features added to latest IE 11 update

Today we are rolling out a new Windows 10 preview build with significant Internet Explorer...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 11/12/2014

Gamepad API, Wave Audio, Ecmascript 6 features added to latest Win10 IE 11 update

Today we are rolling out a new Windows 10 preview build with significant Internet Explorer...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 11/12/2014

Numerous updates to Cordova tools for Visual Studio, iOS & Android apps

There are a number of big updates to announce this week for Cordova on Microsoft platforms....

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 11/12/2014

Open Source of .NET Core Framework, .NET Core Distribution for Linux/OSX

    If you told me, even one year ago, that Microsoft would begin open sourcing as much...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 11/12/2014

Community Edition of Visual Studio announced, free, allows extensions

One of the biggest gripes that the development community has had in the past with Visual Studio, is...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 11/11/2014

Book recommendation: The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals

That hardest part of my job is managing my time. I’ve got many things to juggle at once, from...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 11/10/2014

Which cloud backend do you use for your Unity games? Azure? AWS?

I’m trying to collect info about the backends that developers are using for their Unity...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 11/08/2014

Age of Ascent: An epic space game on Azure, WebGL

You know that I’m always pushing WebGL, because I truly think it is the future of not only...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 11/07/2014

My weekly newsletter is out – HTML5, Game Dev, Startups

This is my weekly newsletter which covers my favorite stories of the week in the fields of Tech,...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 11/07/2014

Announcing Remote IE – Test the latest version of IE on nearly any device

  Today, the Internet Explorer team announced the preview availability of RemoteIE via Azure...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 11/03/2014

prime[31] Azure plugin for Win8 Phone Unity games

In my previous tutorial series, I wrote about how to use prime[31]‘s Azure plugin to connect...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 11/01/2014

[VIDEO] Single Page Applications with jQuery or AngularJS

  The video course that Stacey Mulcahey and I did a few weeks back is online now. If you’re...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/31/2014

[VIDEO] Prime[31] and Azure Mobile Services tutorial

This is one part of the video series I did for Microsoft VIrtual Academy. Here’s the link back...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/30/2014

My next weekly newsletter is out!

If you find some links that you think would be useful, feel free to share! You can always subscribe...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/28/2014

Thoughts on a potential Roku IPO

It looks as though Roku has been investigating the potential for an IPO. I’m sold on this...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/27/2014

A new episode of the Indie Dev Podcast is up

Last year I started interviewing independent game developers from across the world, in an effort to...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/24/2014

The history of JavaScript, as told by Douglas Crockford

I’ve always found Douglas Crockford to be such an interesting person, because of his intimate...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/23/2014

Use C# to script in Unreal Engine 4 now, courtesy of Xamarin

Xamarin, the group behind the Mono, the open source implementation of Microsoft’s .NET...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/23/2014

Azure Educator Grant program provides educators Azure for use in their University curricula

Educators You can get Azure for 5 months, and it’s free to use in your curriculum. If...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/22/2014

Kinect SDK 2.0 and new adapter kit for Xbox to Windows

Today we are launching the v2 SDK and a new adapter that will allow you to use a standalone Xbox One...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/22/2014

What was going on in 1984 that made so many women give up on computer science?

  Great episode of Planet Money on NPR this week: What was going on in 1984 that made so many...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/19/2014

Open source jQuery mobile x-platform template for your use

I wrote this Cordova app last year for a game studio that some friends run a game studio in Seattle,...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/18/2014

The current state of WebGL – iOS 8, Yosemite, Android Lollipop

The web is a constantly evolving organism, where some parts advance more quickly than others. In the...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/18/2014

Students: MSFT Imagine Cup 2015 is about to start

  I wish they would have had something like this when I was in school. There’s even a...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/17/2014

My 10th weekly newsletter is out!

If you find some links that you think would be useful, feel free to share! You can always subscribe...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/17/2014

Recap of the WebGL talk at Microsoft Malvern

We had a great meeting for Philadelphia Game Works last night, at the Microsoft Malvern office....

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/16/2014

My 9th weekly newsletter of not-so-great tech stuff

  If you find some links that you think would be useful, feel free to share! You can always...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/09/2014

Some of my favorite podcasts – Savage Lovecast, Planet Money, This Week In Tech

I’ve been listening to podcasts since I was in college. It was part of my daily commute,...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/05/2014

Currently playing: The Last of Us, Grandia II, Destiny

I haven’t written anything personal about myself here in a while, so I thought it’s...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/03/2014

Two new gaming courses on MVA

We have two new gaming courses on MVA in the last few weeks. All of the assets and slides are...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/03/2014

The channel9 game blog – Microsoft and indies

I love our push for independent developers. ID@Xbox is consistently launching new games, and on the...

Author: Dave Voyles - MSFT Date: 10/03/2014

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