
TechEd EMEA 2008 now open for registration



Tech·Ed EMEA 2008 is now underway with registration opening on 1 June. These events are the best place for IT professionals and developers to learn more about Microsoft’s latest and soon to launch technologies. No other event offers five days of deep dive technical training coupled with the opportunity to interact and ask questions to the best minds in the community – from product groups and internationally renowned speakers to MVPs and 5,000+ likeminded peers.

About Tech·Ed EMEA 2008

This year we are launching Microsoft Tech·Ed EMEA 2008 IT Professionals and Microsoft Tech·Ed EMEA 2008 Developers focusing on ‘Learn, Connect, Explore’.  Running back to back in November; Tech·Ed EMEA IT professionals and Tech·Ed EMEA Developers both provide FIVE days of technical training dedicated to the IT professional and developer audiences. 

Tech·Ed EMEA IT Professionals, 3 – 7 November 2008, Barcelona, Spain
Microsoft Tech·Ed EMEA 2008 IT Professionals is the is the Microsoft premier technical education conference just for IT professionals. For five days 5,000 IT professionals designed to provide IT professionals with deep dive technical training, information and community resources. Experience more than ever before at Tech·Ed EMEA 2008 IT Professionals.

Tech·Ed EMEA IT Developers, 10 – 14 November 2008, Barcelona, Spain
Microsoft Tech·Ed EMEA 2008 Developers is the is the Microsoft premier technical education conference just for Developers. For five days 4,000 developers designed to provide developers with deep dive technical training, information and community resources. Experience more than ever before at Tech·Ed EMEA 2008 Developers.

Registration Milestones

Super Early Bird Deadline – 31 July 2008
Save €300 off the full conference price plus value add benefits
€1,945 +16% VAT
• Super Early Bird Cap
• Priority Keynote Seating
•Preferential rate hotel accommodation

clip_image012Early Bird Deadline – 26 September
Save €300 off the full conference price
€1,945 +16% VAT

Full Price – 27 September to close
€2,245 + 16% VATclip_image001[2]