
Windows-Backup Hyper-V VM Fail

backup 失敗event log

Log Name:      Application

Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Backup

Date:          2011/8/5 上午 11:48:26

Event ID:      521

Task Category: None

Level:         Error


User:          SYSTEM

Computer:      Computer.domain.com


Backup started at '2011/8/5 上午 03:47:56' failed as Volume Shadow copy operation failed for backup volumes with following error code '2155348129'. Please rerun backup once issue is resolved.

事件中有發現以下事件,懷疑用VM的integration services版本比較舊

Log Name:      System

Source:        storvsp

Date:          2011/7/13 下午 03:48:17

Event ID:      6

Task Category: None

Level:         Warning

Keywords:      Classic

User:          N/A

Computer:      Computer.domain.com


A storage device in 'Computer' loaded but has a different version from the server.  Server version 4.2  Client version 2.0 (VMID 0B9A3B2E-90D5-4571-B7B5-E50AA67F7DAB).

若是請協助更新VM Computer上的Integration Services

請先移除Integration Services並重裝