
Windows 7/Active Desktop with Wallpaper policy show black issue

問題描述︰Windows 7/Active Desktop with Wallpaper policy show black issue

說明與方法︰從AD派送的桌面圖片無法套用在 Windows 7的機器上, 呈現黑色的底圖顏色.


Active Desktop is not supported since Windows Vista (including Windows 7) , Windows Vista has replaced the Active Desktop with Windows Sidebar (Now Called Windows Desktop Gadgets starting with Windows 7), which also allows components to be added to the desktop.




a) Locate the following registry subkey:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

b) Double-click the WALLPAPER registry entry. In the Value data box, type a value, such as c:\temp\wallpaper.jpg, and then click OK.


· The "Desktop Wallpaper" Group Policy setting is not applied in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 2008 R2


In an Active Directory domain network environment, you apply a "Desktop Wallpaper" Group Policy setting to the domain users. However, the setting is not applied to domain users who log on to client computers that are running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2.