
SMS指令刪除child or secondary site(SCCM適用)

常遇到因為SMS child site或是security site 系統已經無法開啟導致在console尚無法正常刪除


Steps to uninstall the child primary server

1) open the SMS admin console on the child primary -- Site hirarchy--Site code -- properties-- remove it from the hirarchy

2) Delete the Address from the SMS admin console.--Address--Delete from both child primary and central server


To manually stop and remove the failed secondary site, follow these steps:

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Systems Management Server, and then click SMS Administrator Console.

2. To use the Preinst.exe tool on the SMS parent site to delete the failed secondary site from the database, follow these steps:

a.  On the SMS primary site (parent) computer, click Start, and then click Run.

b.  Type cmd in the Open box, and then click OK.

c.  At the command prompt, type cd\, and then press the ENTER key.

d.  Type cd sms\bin\i386\00000409, and then press the ENTER key.

e.  Type Preinst /DELSITE SiteCode ParentCode, and then press the ENTER key.

Note: SiteCode is the site code of the secondary site, and ParentCode is the site code of the parent site.

5. To remove any pending or active jobs to a site, type Preinst /DELJOB SiteCode , and then press the ENTER key.


How to remove and rebuild a SMS 2003 secondary site
