
SCOM - System Center Operations Manager SDK 服務無法登錄 SPN

You are getting the following warning alert from the SCOM operations console:

來源:  rms.domain.com.tw  System Center Operations Manager SDK 服務無法登錄 SPN。網域系統管理員必須將 及 MSOMSdkSvc/rms.domain.com.tw 新增到 Domain\SDKAccount 的 servicePrincipalName 
警示規則:  SDK Spn 登錄

1. We ran the following command to register the SPN under the user account Domain\SDKAccount
    Setspn -A MSOMSdkSvc/rms Domain\SDKAccount 
    Setspn -A MSOMSdkSvc/rms.domain.com.tw Domain\SDKAccount
2. Close the operations console
3. Restarted the "OpsMgr SDK Service" on RMS
4. Opened up the operations console and verify the alert no longer appears